Bahasa Portugis (português) nopo nga Boros Romawi i gunoon miampai poinlaab id Portugal (boros nokoimagon), Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Tanjung Verde, Timor Timur om Guinea Khatulistiwa. Ogumu puru boros di kipomusarahan do Boros Galicia, boros id watas Galicia, Sepanyol, nopo nga iso kawo boros Portugis i narahung do boros Sepanyol.

Kopolombusan[puɾtuˈɣeʃ], [poʁtuˈɡe(j)s]
SpeakersNative: 230 million (2012–2020)[1]
L2: 25 million (2018–2020)[1]
Total: 260 million[1]
Bontuk pogulu
Manually coded Portuguese
Status nokoimagon
Boros nokoimagon id
Boros nookunan do minoriti
Tinoina doTemplat:Citationneeded
Kod boros
ISO 639-1pt
ISO 639-2por
ISO 639-3por
  Countries and regions where Portuguese is the native language of the majority
  Countries and territories where Portuguese is an official or administrative language but not a majority native language
  Countries and territories where Portuguese is a cultural or secondary language
Portuguese is not endangered according to the classification system of the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Artikel nopo diti nga kiwaa simbol fonetik IPA. Sokiro aiso rendering support, kokito kou kanto do tanda ponguhatan, kupuk, toi ko' simbol suai om okon ko' aksara Unicode. Montok tapanai kointutunan kokomoi simbol IPA, intangai Kouhupan:IPA.

Miampai lobi 200 riong o moomomoboros sandad, boros Portugis nopo nga boros kooonom bobos ogumu momoguno id pomogunan. Boros Portugis nosiliu boros di bobos ogumu gunoon id Amerika Selatan tu Brazil, miampai 186 riong mogigion, mombontuk kiikiro 51% mantad koinsanani populasi Amerika Selatan.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Portuguese at Ethnologue (25th ed., 2022)  
  2. "Continúan los actos del Día de la Lengua Portuguesa y la Cultura Lusófona" [Acts continue to mark Portuguese Language and Portuguese Culture Day]. Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. 10 Mikat 2016.
  3. Gutiérrez Bottaro, Silvia Etel (2014). "El portugués uruguayo y las marcas de la oralidad en la poesía del escritor uruguayo Agustín R. Bisio" [Uruguayan Portuguese and oral marks in the poetry of Uruguayan writer Agustín R. Bisio] (PDF). Abehache (id boros Sepanyol). 4 (6). Pinoopi mantad sand̠ad (PDF) ontok 12 Magus 2019. Linoyog ontok 18 Gomot 2018.
  4. "Historia lingüística del Uruguay". Pinoopi mantad sand̠ad ontok 5 Ngiop 2019. Linoyog ontok 9 Mikat 2020.
  5. Templat:Cite conference