Wexford Carol toi ko' Enniscorthy Carol (Irish: Carúl Loch Garman, Carúl Inis Córthaidh) nopo nga sinding rohani tradisional Kristian id Ireland mantad Enniscorthy id County Wexford.[1] Tema nopo do sinding diti nga kinosusuon di Jesus Kristus.

Wexford Carol
GenreChristmas carol
Meter8.8.8.8 (LMD)
MelodyTraditional Irish folk melody, transcribed by William Grattan Flood

Transkripsi W. H. Grattan Flood

Katedral St. Aidan

"Wexford Carol", sumoonu ointutunan ii maya panandatan koiso "Good people all this Christmas time", au noilaan kopio hombo tadon, sundung do sumoonu boroson do mantad Zaman Pintangaan pogulu. Sinupu kanto o sinding diti ontok abad ko-15 toi ko' ko-16 tumanud gaya muzik om lirik dau.[2] Nointutunan kawagu o sinding diti asil karaja di William Grattan Flood (1859–1928)songulun maamamain organ om pengara muzik id Katedral St. Aidan hilo Enniscorthy. Sinuat kawagu disio o sinding carol dii mantad songulun susuminding kinoyonon om pinalabus id suang The Oxford Book of Carols, minogowit do nointutunan o Enniscorthy id suang kogumuan buuk carol pointongkop pogun.

Kosolimbahan moden


Ogumu tradisi kokomoi sinding diti - sabaagi poomitanan, kusai no o suminding dii. Sundung do ingkaa, ogumu susuminding tondu ointutunan miagal do i Julie Andrews ontok 1966 om Loreena McKennitt ontok 1987, i minamarakam versi sinding diti, id nombo minomoruhang i Andrews do iso panandatan i mimpuun miampai "And buckets yore did rain that night."

Roroiton sinding Inggeris


Good people all, this Christmas time,
Consider well and bear in mind
What our good God for us has done
In sending His beloved Son
With Mary holy we should pray,
To God with love this Christmas Day
In Bethlehem upon that morn,
There was a blessed Messiah born.

The night before that happy tide,
The noble virgin and her guide
Were long time seeking up and down
To find a lodging in the town.
But mark how all things came to pass
From every door repelled, alas,
As was foretold, their refuge all
Was but a humble ox's stall.

Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep
To whom God's angels did appear
Which put the shepherds in great fear
Prepare and go, the angels said
To Bethlehem, be not afraid
For there you'll find, this happy morn
A princely Babe, sweet Jesus, born.

With thankful heart and joyful mind
The shepherds went the babe to find
And as God's angel had foretold
They did our Saviour Christ behold
Within a manger He was laid
And by his side the virgin maid
Attending on the Lord of Life
Who came on earth to end all strife.

There were three wise men from afar
Directed by a glorious star
And on they wandered night and day
Until they came where Jesus lay
And when they came unto that place
Where our beloved Messiah lay
They humbly cast them at His feet
With gifts of gold and incense sweet.[3]

Roroiton sinding Irish

Ó, tagaig' uile is adhraigí
An leanbh cneasta sa chró 'na luí
Is cuimhnígí ar ghrá an Rí
A thug dár saoradh anocht an Naí.
'S a Mhuire Mháthair i bParrthas Dé,
Ar chlann bhocht Éabha guigh 'nois go caomh,
Is doras an chró ná dún go deo
Go n-adhram' feasta Mac Mhuire Ógh.
I mBeithil thoir i lár na hoích'
Ba chlos an deascéala d'aoirí,
Go follas don saol ón spéir go binn
Bhí aingle 'canadh ó rinn go rinn.
"Gluaisig' go beo," dúirt Aingeal Dé,
"Go Beithil sall is gheobhaidh sibh É
'Na luí go séimh i mainséar féir,
Siúd É an Meisias a ghráigh an saol."[4]

Intangai nogi

  1. Spangenberg, Lisa (December 20, 2010). "The Wexford Carol / Carúl Loch Garman". Celtic Studies Resources (digitalmedievalist.com). Linoyog ontok December 23, 2019.[1]
  2. "Relatively Unsung Christmas Songs: December 15: "Wexford Carol"". 15 December 2016.
  3. "Enniscorthy Carol". Yet Another Digital Tradition Page. Linoyog ontok December 23, 2019.
  4. "Ceol na Nollag" issued in Dublin by Cló Chaisil in cooperation with Foras na Gaeilge

Noputan labus
